Giving back this year – more than just a thought

It’s not just the thought that counts this year, it’s the gesture that follows too. With the most vulnerable in our communities isolated, all odds are against inclusive festivities this year and for the most able among us, it’s time to step up.

As a community platform, we look for peers in the industry who share our purpose and this year, we’re giving a shout out to three organisations in Amsterdam that have inspired us to roll up our sleeves! Keep reading below to see our pick for giving back this December, there’s plenty to get involved with, whether you like it at a distance or just a bit closer.


A long time favourite of ours is well renowned Serve the City in Amsterdam, an organisation that not only brings people together, but celebrates them too! Sound familiar? Yes, we share a few things in common with this initiative and that’s why we just couldn’t leave it out. The organisation is limited with their usual collective Christmas get-down over the weekend before the busy Christmas dates, so instead it’s team are encouraging people to give back this year.

Virtual tea time with the lonely seeking human connection, flowers for the elderly and caregivers, teaming up with brands to deliver food to the Salvation Army. It’s safe to say that Serve the City has adapted to the challenging times and found ways of bringing the local community together in Amsterdam this year. 

For this festive season the organisation have launched a campaign based on the theme of simply giving to each other, Count Me In For Christmas. This is a campaign tailored to pandemic times, asking citizens to give their time to a few neighbours in need over the festive period – organised internally and in collaboration with other organisations in Amsterdam. 

If you’re handy with a paintbrush, there’s a shelter calling your name for a fresh start to the new year or if the kitchen is where you work your magic, the Salvation Army needs a chef or two for the day to cook Christmas dinner. Whatever your calling, Serve the City definitely has a task or two you could get involved in – go check-em out here.


Another organisation, Amsterdam Cares is also doing a whole lotta’ good in the city by providing a flexible volunteer work platform for citizens to sign up and volunteer wherever they can.

As most activities and group gatherings are limited, the organisation have changed their usual array of activities to be more focused on how individuals can use their hobbies to contribute towards the community, whilst of course keeping a distance. Got a knack for knitting and fancy making face masks out of donated cotton fabric? And for the secret home bakers out there, this is your invite to share your heavenly pastries with the wider world – we’re counting on you! See how you can put your passion to practice by taking a look at Amsterdam Cares opportunities.


Last but not least, for the families wanting to do something just a little different this year – why not make your Saturday morning a creative project for the community instead of at the kitchen table? Stichting Present has a great initiative running for families to get kids to understand the importance of looking after others in the neighbourhood and their city. 

The small foundation focuses on projects that address values such as giving, being there for others, and taking responsibility. The kind of projects that hold citizens accountable for the neighbourhood vibe and a strong community fabric, whilst making sure that everyone just has a good old time!

You can either get involved in a social project or something a little more practical and hands on. The foundation even has an ideas folder full of creative ideas for great projects. Tempted? Don’t blame you! Take a look here.


Whether you’re inspired to join hands with Serve the City, Amsterdam Cares, or Stichting Present, just remember that when donating our time, it’s the way we spend that time that matters the most. We see giving our time to other people in need, more than a box to tick on the list of good deeds done. A City Made By People is built on values that see giving back as a way of living, contributing to the community and keeping it a natural exchange with neighbours and other citizens. If we’ve inspired you to do something cool for the community, let us know through our social channels

Psst! If you give us a follow, you can also see how other citizens are giving back this month! 

Words by Amsterdam captain Hannah Whiteley


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