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Deep Freeze Brings The City To its Knees - Stay Warm Chicago!

Chicago is extreme in more ways than one, like NO ketchup on a Chicago Style hotdog. Today is another extreme for the record books, the temperature is supposed to plummet below freezing which is 32 degrees F.

Since, we are in Chicago must be a little extra and take into account another factor called “Windchill” whereas the wind lowers the surrounding air temperature. The same effects as if you were blowing on hot soup to cool it down faster.

The current temperature this morning is -15 degrees F (-26 Celsius) and “feels” like -41 degrees F (-40 Celsius) with the windchill. Chicago is warning all residents to stay indoors, check on elderly neighbors, and not expose open skin to the outside air, all schools and most local businesses are closed for the day.

With that being said, stay safe and keep warm.
Words by captain Touly.