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Takeover Bucharest - 1 Week, 8 Posts - Roxana Bursuc

How will it be for a local to post on our Instagram account - let’s say- for a straight week? That was a question that came up at one of our team meetings last year.

We saw takeovers on many brands’ stories. But why not advertise our city, just like it is, through the lense of a local? And why not give complete freedom on the actual feed? We did that last year with some awesome Bucharesters (with some really nice feedback) and we plan to do it again this year.

So we came up with a coffee blogger, who is also a social media specialist (nice fit, right?!): Roxana Bursuc.
She’s a coffee lover and a cat person (see her stories), obsessed with doors, places, buildings, living in Bucharest for the past 8 years.

You can find her as @dailyjoypic (for the curiosity of exploring this town on each day) or as @bursuculbeacafea (for the love of coffee). 1 week. 8 posts. Let’s see her cool picks for Bucharest at @bucharest_madebypeople!

We’re super proud of these series, what a stunning shots, thank you very much Roxana.

Know any cool Bucharesters that might want to take over our Insta? Hit us up with a
DM on our Instagram account! instagram.com/bucharest_madebypeople/